Table prepared by Dr PK Shrivastava, on the basis of technical details provided by NIANP, ICAR, Bangalore.
Example 1: DMI (dry matter intake) calculation for 400 kg cross breed cow, producing 12 Kg of milk per day
Given: Weight of the cross-bred cow 400 Kg, giving 12 litre milk per day
Ø = As per the 1st thumb rule, 400 kg x 0.025 = 10 Kg Dry matter (DM) should be given to the cow (@2.5% of cow’s body weight)
Ø As per the 2nd thumb rule, divide feed ingredients into roughage (fiber which includes green & dry fodder) and concentrate (Cattle feed (CF), home mixed concentrate feed, which includes grains, brans, oil cakes, salts, etc.).
Ø As per the 3rd thumb rule, an animal need needs 2/3rd fiber and 1/3rd concentrate feed/ CF. = Means 10 Kg DM is divided into 2 parts, 2/3rd (6.60 kg) roughage and 1/3rd (3.30 kg) concentrate. As such, the animal needs 6.60 kg fiber (roughage) and 3.30 kg concentrate feed /CF.
Ø As per the 4th thumb rule, the fiber (green & dry) is given in the ratio of 2:1 (means green fodder 4.4 Kg and dry fodder 2.2 Kg DM). Green fodder contains 75% moisture, so to get 4.4 Kg green dry matter, we must take 17.60 Kg Green fodder (4.4 / 0.25= 17.60 Kg), similarly straw contains 10% moisture, so to get 2.20 dry matter we must take 2.44 Kg dry fodder (2.20 / 0.90 =2.44).
Ø As per the 5th thumb rule, every litre of milk production need 400 grams of CF/ concentrate feed. In this case (12 x 0.4 = 4.80 CF) 4.80 kg cattle feed is required. The dry matter content in the CF is 95% so to get 4.80 kg dry matter from CF, we need to feed 5.05 Kg CF/ concentrate.
Ø Total feeding to this cow would be 17.60 (say 18) Kg Green + 2.44 (say 3) Kg straw + 5.05 (say 5.50) Kg concentrate, total 25.09 (say 26.50) kg (TMR).
Ø In addition to the feed, quality mineral mixture must be fed by mixing into feed, to full fill the deficiency of calcium, other macro and micro nutrients.
Ø If animal is in young and growing stage feed 15% extra ration (over calculation on body weight basis).
Ø If animal is pregnant, 10% extra ration must be given in last trimester of pregnancy.
Example 2: DMI (dry matter intake) calculation for 500 kg cross breed cow, producing 15 Kg of milk per day
Given: Weight of the cross-bred cow 500 Kg, giving 15 litre milk per day
Ø = As per the 1st thumb rule, 500 kg x 0.025 = 12.5 Kg Dry Matter (DM) should be given to the cow (@2.5% of cow’s body weight)
Ø As per the 2nd thumb rule, divide feed ingredients into roughage (Fiber which includes green & dry fodder) and concentrate (Cattle feed (CF), home mixed concentrate feed, which includes grains, brans, oil cakes, salts, etc.).
Ø As per the 3rd thumb rule, an animal need needs 2/3rd fiber and 1/3rd concentrate feed/ CF. = Means 12.50 Kg DM is divided into 2 parts, 2/3rd (8.32 kg) roughage and 1/3rd (4.18 kg) concentrate. As such, the animal needs 8.32 kg fiber (roughage) and 4.18 kg concentrate feed /CF.
Ø As per the 4th thumb rule, the fiber (green & dry) is given in the ratio of 2:1 (means green fodder 5.54 Kg and dry fodder 2.78 Kg). Green fodder contains 75% moisture, so to get 5.54 Kg green dry matter, we must take 22.16 Kg Green fodder (5.54 / 0.25= 22.16 Kg), similarly straw contains 10% moisture, so to get 4.18 dry matter we must take 4.64 Kg dry fodder (4.18 / 0.90 =4.64)
Ø As per the 5th thumb rule, every litre of milk production need 400 grams of CF/ concentrate feed. In this case (15 x 0.4 = 6.00 CF) 6.00 kg cattle feed is required. The dry matter content in the CF is 95%, so to get 6.00 kg dry matter from CF, we need to feed 6.31 Kg CF/ concentrate.
Ø Total feeding to this cow would be 22.16 (say 23) Kg Green + 4.64 (say 5) Kg straw + 6.31 (say 6.50) Kg concentrate, total 33.11 (say 32) kg (TMR=total mixed ration).
Ø In addition to the feed, quality mineral mixture must be fed by mixing into feed, to full fill the deficiency of calcium, other macro and micro nutrients.
Ø If animal is in young and growing stage feed 15% extra ration (over calculation on body weight basis).
Ø If animal is pregnant, 10% extra ration must be given in last trimester of pregnancy.
Source: Compiled by Dr PK Shrivastava, Dairy Business Consultant, Bangalore
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Good sharing n easy to understand. May kindly account month/ season wise milk variance also.
Calf to Heifer feeding also.
Good sharing n easy to understand.